
We're banning behavior, not ideas.
A truly open, non-censored platform of communication is not sustainable if its...
Read more.. . ..We're banning behavior, not ideas.
A truly open, non-censored platform of communication is not sustainable if its...
Read more.. . ..Seems like Reddit is now in the business of banning certain domains from their website. They have banned URL shorteners, but that is for the obvious reason that url shorteners are bad so everyone is okay with that, however blocking w...
Read more.. . ..The UK would like to implement a new system (originally brought up by the Labour party) that would oblige Internet access providers to monitor all electronic communications. The ISPs would have to store logs of all communications, though they say the actual content of emails wouldn't be recorded ...
Read more.. . ..I just heard about Global Censorship Checkpoints, it's aim is to document various projects around the world that want to police the Internet. On this site you can see, which polices are implemented or under study in each country, there are also links t...
Read more.. . ..In some coffee shops you can easily get access to the Internet, what they do is just give you the password and voila. Neat right ? Anyway, these other coffee shops, chains to be precise, hire a 3rd party company to do it for them. So the other day I went in to one of them to get a coffee and an ...
Read more.. . ..Demand Progress has started an open letter to twitter and asked its subscriber's to sign it, the letter is short and as follows:
Twitter's importance as an open platform has been demonstrated time and again this year. We need you to keep figh... Read more.. . ..How can the USA authorities take down a Hong-Kong based company and arrest people in New-Zealand ? Ars Technica explains, it turns out that the...
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